Volume 3 Number 4 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 2000

Quality Makes A Difference!
The Four Slot Tooling System
Multiline Takes The Gold
When Was Your Last Sharpening
Employee Anniversaries

Chatterpaul Arune Machinist - 10 Years
Kurt Danielsson Die Assembler - 30 Years
Don Flick Salesman - 10 Years
Guiseppe Mazzei Machinist - 5 Years
Laura Semder Admin. Assistant - 10 Years
Robert Uhll Assembler - 5 Years

(From left to right) Kurt Danielsson and Guiseppe Mazzei



After 20 Years, Look Who's Retiring!
Pete Barbera, Plant Manager of MultilineTechnology retired on April 20, 2000. Pete worked under Don Alzmann (General Manager), was responsible for 63 employees and Multiline’s 42,000 square foot manufacturing and assembly plant located in Farmingdale, N.Y.. His future plans include moving to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with his wife Dot to their new house. This move will also bring him closer to one of his daughter named Therese, Frank (son in law), and Taylor (grandaughter). Multiline would like to extend a sincere thank you for his 20 years of outstanding service and broad knowledge in manufacturing which has led to Multiline’s rapid growth.

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