Empower your business with the Multiframe Advantages
President's Message
When customers ask me how Multiline Technology continually develops
new products I always respond by saying we are good listeners.
Our customers know what they need to be successful and it is presumptuous
to assume that we know what to build without their input and direction.
When we manufactured the first innerlayer punch back in 1977, it was at
the request of a board manufacturer new to the multilayer business. They
did not want to burn dry film out of drilled tooling holes, which was
the common production method at that time. A self contained free standing
punch, the Acculine, was designed and built which was small enough and
clean enough to put in the yellow room. In 1984 when we introduced the
first Post Etch Punch to the circuit board industry, it was requested
by a flex circuit manufacturer who could not cope with the movement of
thin materials after etching. Punching after etching helped control that
movement and it quickly became evident that this would also benefit multilayer
manufacters. I can go on and on with stories of product development through
partnering with our customers. This mutually rewarding practice is becoming
more challenging as the industry changes.
Only a few years ago the printed circuit board industry was made up of
many relatively small independent manufacturers and a large group of OEMs.
These companies were often willing to push the envelope and work with
their suppliers in developing new products.
Product development today is somewhat different, it is more of a product
evolution. With the exception of a few new processes like direct laser
imaging, most of what you see at trade shows today are enhancements of
existing technologies. I believe one of the reasons for this is that board
manufacturers are under constraints of space, production capability and
available engineering time. Large public board shops are concerned about
each quarters performance. When a new machine is ordered it is to
fill an immediate need leaving little time for testing, development and
tweaking in the field. The machine has to hit the floor running at optimal
performance. To accomplish this an equipment supplier like Multiline Technology
relies on feedback from its service department, sales department, representatives
and even competitors to glean out how we can enhance or redesign the product
to best fit the customers needs, however the most important feedback still
comes from you.
I am asking for your input. What are the features you like on our (your)
machines? What would you like to see changed? How is the equipment performing?
What new products or product developments would you like to see in the
future? How can we help you build a better product and make your company
more productive? Talk to our sales department or service department or
our representatives or call me or e-mail directly at
This year alone we have made major technological enhancements to the vision
systems of our X-ray product line and have changed the operating system
on all our machines to Windows NT. Two totally new products have been
developed which we introduced at EIPC and will be displayed at IPC.
Michael Angelo
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