Volume 3 Number 5 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / November 2000

Summer Stress
Empower your business with the Multiframe Advantages
Employee Anniversaries

Employee Anniversaries

The following employees celebrated service awards during the past quarter. We would like to extend a sincere thank you and congratulations to their continued support and dedication.

Joe Brogna Assembler/Toolmaker - 5 Years
Frank Cesare Leadman Conventional Machinist - 5 Years
Kathleen Cybulski Administrative Assistant - 5 Years
Richard Crook Design Engineer - 5 Years
John L. Martin CNC Machinist - 20 Years
Carlos Ramirez Inventory Clerk - 5 Years
Bill Theroux Software Engineer - 5 Years
Robert Toretta CNC Machinist - 10 Years
Dr.Steven Woronick Industrial Physicist - 5 Years
Paul Roman CMM Operator/Inspector - 15 Years

(From Left to Right)
Joe Brogna, John Martin, Robert Toretta, Kathy Cybulski,
Dr. Steve Woronick, Bill Theroux, Richard Crook


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