Volume 3 Number 4 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 2000

Quality Makes A Difference!
The Four Slot Tooling System
Multiline Takes The Gold
When Was Your Last Sharpening
Employee Anniversaries

The Four Slot Tooling System

The dimensional instability of laminate and phototools means registration at any stage in the process is never perfect because the base material is either shrinking or growing. Materials may move as a result of temperature and humidity, but they move predictably, relative to the center.

The best method of correction after accumulating various material stability errors is to “split the difference”. This is achieved most effectively by implementing the four-slot tooling method commonly used for multilayer tooling. (This is sometimes referred to as the “Lenkeit Tooling System”)

The four-slot method produces a registration pattern of four opposing slots in the phototool or laminate material. These slots fall on the product centerlines. When laminating on a 4-slot tooling system, the innerlayer material is punched with four .1875” x .280” slots. The lamination fixture contains pins that are .1875” x .250”. This allows a .015” movement away or towards the center, yet no movement in the other direction. Innerlayers will always lie flat on the lamination plates.

The same configuration is used in Artwork alignment in exposure frames. The film will always fit on the pins without stretch or buckle. This is the basis for the center zeroing concept. This pattern assures accurate alignment and permits controlled material expansion or contraction. Although there are other types of tooling configurations used for registration systems, the most

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