Volume 3 Number 4 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 2000

Quality Makes A Difference!
The Four Slot Tooling System
Multiline Takes The Gold
When Was Your Last Sharpening
Employee Anniversaries

Quality Makes A Difference!

Even before their invention of the Post Etch Punch in 1984, Multiline Technology has been synonymous with multilayer registration. Multiline has manufactured multilayer tooling and lamination fixtures since the inception of multilayers.

Multiline is not only a manufacturing company but, an engineering company. We have been constantly driven by our customers to find methods to improve registration issues. Our engineering department currently employs over 30 full time employees working on all aspects of product development from initial concepts and ergonomics to final control systems and software refinement for easier operator interfacing. Post Etch punching, x-ray alignment systems, and many other products are all developments driven by our customers needs. We are continually developing the technology required to accomplish the difficult tasks imposed by current industry standards.

Multiline utilizes extensive machining and manufacturing processes. These range from the classic machining capabilities of milling, turning, boring and grinding to full CNC vertical and horizontal machining and boring units that can hold tolerances of .0002” over 40 inches! Our facilities also include complete heat treating, surface grinding and Conventional and wire EDM (electrical discharge machining). All of our punches, dies and lamination plate bushings are fabricated from raw stock in-house to maintain complete control over the manufacturing processes to achieve the utmost accuracy. This also shows the kind of flexibility Multiline has incorporated into our manufacturing capabilities. In fact, all of our critical processes are performed in house. The only processes which are not undertaken in our manufacturing facility are sheetmetal, welding and painting.

Vertical CNC drilling in operation

CNC Jig Grinder which holds tolerances of .0002

Conventional Jig Boring machine used for precision machining of die blocks.

Surface Grinding of ATP Die Blocks

(Above) A closer look during milling operations

(Above) 14 ton Bridge type Vertical Milling operations machine

Our Largest Vertical CNC milling machine is capable of milling large lamination plates. We can mill material as large as 48” Wide x 72” Long with an accuracy over the entire machine area of 0.0002” inches. Although we already have seven machining centers in place, the addition of such a large machine increases our machining capacity and capability.

(Left) Air gage inspection tool which measures machined parts down to the millionth’s of an inch.
(Right) Air gage setup to inspect Die Block castings after precision surface grinding

Our Quality Control Inspection Department constantly monitors the results of these machining operations. This department is crucial in that they process 100 % of incoming parts inspection as well as ongoing inspection of all components in process. For example our lamination fixture bushing fabrication processes include 35 different gage points for the bushings alone to insure that only the best possible bushings are placed into the lamination fixtures.

Multiline offers a complete line of equipment for all types of circuit board manufacturers from prototype to high volume producers. Multiline’s registration systems are accepted as the standard throughout the industry. Our focus has been on developing the “Post Process System” of registration where tooling holes are placed in position after all the material movement has occurred. Artwork is punched after imaging, the innerlayers are punched after exposure, and new tooling holes for pinning on the drill machine are placed in the panel (drilled) after lamination.

Providing Total Solutions
We reached further into our industry to find new ways to serve our customers. Our commitment to new and existing customers has expanded inside and outside the walls of Multiline Technology. In response we have developed new products and services to serve these needs.

In addition to the high quality multilayer registration equipment, Multiline offers a complete product line of Multilayer accessories for all of your lamination and tooling needs. These accessories range from Lamination and Separator plates to Delrin Plugs, which are used in soft tooling operations. Many of these accessories feature time saving procedures, which translates into higher throughput and increased capacity.

Nearly every major manufacturer of multilayer in the world is now utilizing a Multiline registration system. The needs of those customers for tighter registration, greater throughput, feeding of thin materials and minimal downtime are what drive Multiline to develop new product and continually improve the existing line of products.

Area Code Change
Please be advised that our Area code has changed from 516 to 631 as of April 10, 2000. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Our phone and fax number are as follows: Phone: 1-631-249-8300 and Fax : 1-631-752-7948. Our website is also being updated to reflect these changes.

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