Volume 3 Number 4 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 2000

Quality Makes A Difference!

The Four Slot Tooling System
Multiline Takes The Gold
When Was Your Last Sharpening
Employee Anniversaries

The Multiline Technology sponsored SCCA Sports Car road racing team, Wolf Creek Racing, won the North Atlantic Road Racing Championship (NARRC) in the GT-4 class on September 25, 1999 at Lime Rock Park in Connecticut. This victory marks the second straight series class championship for driver Todd Walrich and his crew chief - wife, Suzie. Todd reports this was a particularly sweet win since it occurred on Suzie’s birthday and capped off a season that was plagued early on by engine and carburetor troubles.

The North Atlantic Road Racing Championship Series comprised of 12 events from May through September campaigned at Pocono Speedway, Lime Rock Park and New Hampshire International Speedway. Todd’s record for the series was 4 first’s, 5 second’s, 2 thirds and 1 DNF (did not finish) caused by a broken engine valve in the season opener. This gave him the class championship with a 37 point cushion over the second place entry.

Todd and Suzie would like to thank Michael and David Angelo for the continued support of Wolf Creek Racing as well as our shop personnel who expressed their interest and provided instrumental assistance wherever possible

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