Volume 3 Number 2 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 1999

Multiline's Products
at IPC 1999

IPC 1999 Show Photos

How does Y2K
affect you?

Get More Quality with our Lamination Products

Happy Anniversary &
A Multiline Wedding

Expressing Your

Shots from the Shop


  Post Processing Applications Guide

f you would like to receive a Complimentary 73 Page “Post Processing Applications Guide” fill out our Literature Request Form. This guide includes the latest technology and techniques for Post Processing of Artwork, Innerlayers and Laminated Panels. The Multiline Technology Post Processing System was developed to address all of these areas and is part of an entire multilayer registration and production package. Post Process punching provides sigificant increases in yield, accuracy and thruput.

Expressed Interest

f you have an expressed interest in a particular process or application with respect to our products, please write to us by e-mail at sales@multiline.com or fill out our Literature Request Form.

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