Volume 3 Number 2 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 1999

Multiline's Products
at IPC 1999

IPC 1999 Show Photos

How does Y2K
affect you?

Get More Quality with our Lamination Products

Happy Anniversary &
A Multiline Wedding

Expressing Your

Shots from the Shop


  Photos from IPC '99

Slide View of Booth

Adara Continuous Foil
Lamination Press
Dave Angelo and John Kidd demonstrate
the Multiframe to a show attendee

XRT-1000 X-Ray and
Inspection Machine
Michael Angelo demonstrates
the New XRT-1000

Optiline Post-Etch ATP
(Advanced Technology Punch)
The Multiframe
(Glass Exposure Frame)

The New
Cedal Unloader coupled with the
XRT-1000 X-Ray and Inspection System

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