Volume 3 Number 2 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 1999

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How does Y2K
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Multiline Technology Year 2000
Compliant Software

irst it should be noted that all Multiline systems that are supplied with the Series 2000 vision software are not effected by the year 2000 since there is no time/date stamping of files, and none of the functionality is dependent upon any internal clock. These systems can be identified by the presence of the two line LCD on the control unit and usually are found on Semi-Automatic Post Etch Punches, Semi-Automatic and Automatic Artwork Punches. Many earlier Optiline PE’s also have the Series 2000 control system.

In addition, most of the several different models of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC’s) that have been, or are currently used, do not have clock/calendar functionality. In those that do, the day and month function are used and not the year. They are therefore immune to the Y2K concern.

In Multiline Technology’s PC based machinery, the effect of Y2K involves several areas in the operating systems. These are: BIOS, MS-DOS, and Machine Control Software. Each of these categories is equally important in providing Y2K compliance.

In the case of the PC Computer BIOS, Multiline has used several vendors to supply their PC requirements. The latest, Texas Micro, has proven to be Y2K compliant. That is, the Real Time Clock will roll over to the year 2000 and the year 2000 is recognized as a leap year. Other PC’s may require an add-in card to override the BIOS clock and make the unit recognize the year 2000 and the fact that it is a leap year.

Most Multiline PC based equipment utilizes MS-DOS 5.0, or later versions, as the operating system. Based on Microsoft’s statements of compliance for versions shipped since late 1991, MS-DOS versions are probably Y2K compliant. Microsoft certifies these versions for Y2K compliance, with certain “minor issues”. These issues will not effect the computer’s ability to maintain the proper date.

It has been determined that Machine Control Software will exhibit problems starting with January 1, 2000. The main problem is that previously saved setup information will no longer be available to run. This means that operators will have to create a new setup for every run they process and that this setup will not be available after the run is ended. In older units the machines used the current date in the filename and the changeover to year 2000 creates an error that results in an invalid filename. Setup and run data are not stored properly, and cannot be retrieved. On newer machines the problem lies in the components of the index file where the year changeover results in the inability to find the proper file. In addition, over time the hard drive will be overloaded with files that cannot be retrieved. The Multiline systems affected are Optiline PE’s (OPE) with Series 3000 Consoles, Advanced Technology Punches (ATP) Series 1000, 3000 and 5000, Optiline PL’s (OPL and OPLA), and Automatic Artwork Punches (AAP) supplied with a Series 3000 Console. The Automatic Phototool Registration Units (APR), software versions 1-0 to 1-6, are Y2K compliant since they do not save any SPC data. Later versions of the software may require updating.

Since a cost will be involved in upgrading Multiline machines to be Y2K compliant, each customer should carefully consider their needs.

If SPC data from the Multiline system is not imported into a spreadsheet or related database program, or imported but not sorted by date, then the simplest solution is to just change the year date backwards in the system. For example, change the year to 1996. The systems will continue to function properly except that the data saved will have the wrong year date.

If there is a requirement to save the data by date then the system will have to be upgraded. Upgrades will consist of software changes and possible hardware changes.

To implement the changes to your systems to be Y2K compliant it is very important to schedule your needs with Multiline’s Technical Service Department. Since there will be some document research in each case, an early response will be appreciated to effectively serve all of Multiline’s customers. Technical Service will need to know the Serial Number of the machine(s) and the version of software contained. (The software version can be obtained by keying Alt V on the keyboard and recording the version from the system monitor.) All of our software is currently being updated and tested, and will be available over the next several months. It is anticipated that the upgrade will consist of software that will have to be installed by the customer, and possibly some hardware for the computer.

Software for customers whose systems were supplied with special requirements will not be immediately available since it will not be possible to test it. In these cases, it is likely that Software Engineers will have to visit the site to work out details. This will involve a Service Call at Service Call rates.

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