Volume 3 Number 2 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 1999

Multiline's Products
at IPC 1999

IPC 1999 Show Photos

How does Y2K
affect you?

Get More Quality with our Lamination Products

Happy Anniversary &
A Multiline Wedding

Expressing Your

Shots from the Shop


  Vice President's Message

n March of this year, Multiline exhibited our products at the IPC show in Long Beach, California. This year our booth was expanded to fifteen hundred square feet, the largest booth permissible at the show. It was very busy as usual.

(From left to right - front row) Ronn Ferina, Mike Keczmer, Don Alzmann, David Angelo,Michael Angelo, Todd Walrich
(Rear row) John Kidd, Don Flick, Ben Pirraglia, Tony Faraci,Rick Mancini

Over the years we have exhibited at more than 30 shows dating back to " PC 79" where Michael Angelo and Don Alzmann introduced the first Acculine Punch. The Acculine was the first self-contained punch for inner layer registration and the first complete multilayer registration system developed by Multiline Technology. Since PC ‘79, we have enjoyed much success at the shows by introducing new products and maintaining a large staff to service our customers.

This year was no exception as we once again introduced new products such as the New XRT 1000 X-Ray machine, the latest revision level of the Multiframe - glass exposure system and our Windows NT operating system for the Optiline PE.

The response to the XRT 1000 X-Ray and inspection machine was excellent. This machine incorporates new digital video technology with some of the features of our Optiline PL unit at a reduced price.

Multiframe orders continue to increase steadily since its introduction approximately two years ago. A new manufacturing line devoted to Multiframe production was started late last year. This new phototool exhibited at the show utilizes our six-slot system permitting one to process inner layers and outer layers with only one set of glass tooling.

Windows NT was introduced on the Optiline PE and will be become available over the next several months for the ATP units and X-Ray drilling machines. Retrofits will also be available depending on the age and revision level of the machine.

Our next exhibit will be the EPC in Munich, Germany. This show will share exhibit hall space with Productronica, the largest European show that we have exhibited in since the early 1980s. This show draws customers from all over Europe and Asia.

Along with the aforementioned Multiframe line, Multiframe has added seventy five hundred square feet of manufacturing space at a new location close to Multiline's main factory. This sight produces not only Multiframes, but also the lamination tooling and some assembly work.


David Angelo
Vice President

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