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Fixture Kit
Multiline's Lamination Fixture Kit
ll Multiline Lamination fixtures are manufactured with head bushings which are press fit into the top and bottom plates. These are used to prevent wear and maintain size and positional accuracy. Although extreme care is taken in removing the pins after the lamination process, accidents can happen resulting in the cracking of the hardened bushings. This problem may be resolved by replacing the damaged bushings; thus prolonging the service life of your lamination fixtures. Therefore, Multiline Technology has designed a complete set of tools, installation kit number 20-D249, which provides an easy and effective method for bushing installation. The set also includes a standard soft face hammer specifically supplied to prevent denting or scratching the plates' surface.
Complete Kit - 30-D249
Bushing holder - 30-D249-2
Pilot guide - 30-D249-3
Pilot drive punch - 30-D249-4
Head punch - 30-D249-5
Wooden Spacer - 30-D249-7
V-Block - 30-D249-8
Drive Pin Punch - 30-D249-10
Soft Face Hammer - 30-D249-12
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