Volume 1 Number 4 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / December 1997

Your Complete Lamination System

New Post Processing Guide
Tech Talk
3rd Annual Toy Drive
New Payment Method
Happy Anniverary

Expressing Your Interest
Lamination Fixture Kit


Multiline Technology's Third Annual Toy Drive

ultiline Technology is pleased to once again sponsor our Third Annual Christmas Toy Drive. It has been a phenomenal success in the past. Each year the company donates new toys to the Gerald J. Ryan Outreach Center in Wyandanch, N.Y., a local charity which distributes toys to less fortunate children in our community.

As sponsor, the company agrees to match the same number of toys that our employees donate. Thanks to the generosity of our employees, we will be donating over 500 new toys this year.

The toys are collected and proudly displayed in our lobby before we deliver them to the Outreach Center. This year the lobby is full to capacity!

Thank you to everyone involved in making needy children's Christmas wishes come true.


David Angelo
Vice President

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