Volume 1 Number 4 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / December 1997

Your Complete Lamination System

New Post Processing Guide
Tech Talk
3rd Annual Toy Drive
New Payment Method
Happy Anniverary

Expressing Your Interest
Lamination Fixture Kit


Have You Received Your NEW "Post Processing Guide" Yet???

f you haven't received our latest edition (September 1997) of "The Post Processing Guide" please look at the Contact Us section of the website, and see who your nearest representative is to contact them for a free copy.

This new 73 page guide was designed for the PCB shop in mind. It features a quick index with a detailed list of pictorials and illustrations. This completely revised PPS guide includes many new sections such as new equipment technologies and manufacturing techniques to assist in your registration issues. The new technologies we have included are Buried Via Layer processing and additional tooling methods for Multilayer Lamination, including Pin Lamination and Ultrasonic Riveting.

The new cover makes it easy to distinguish the guide from the previous versions. Please accept this free copy with our compliments. We would be happy to receive any comments you would care to forward. Please call, drop a note or email us at Sales@Multiline. com.

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