Volume 1 Number 4 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / December 1997

Your Complete Lamination System

New Post Processing Guide
Tech Talk
3rd Annual Toy Drive
New Payment Method
Happy Anniverary

Expressing Your Interest
Lamination Fixture Kit


Giving Their Best Year After Year
The following employees celebrated service anniversaries during the past quarter. We would like to extend a sincere thank you and congratulations for their continued service and dedication.

Ed Mosher- Accounts Systems Designer

Al Bury- Designer

Multiline Technology always stays on top in bringing you the latest Technology!

ultiline's Accounting Department is pleased to announce that we will be accepting "Visa" and "Mastercard" credit cards for payment in January 1998. We have been prompted by several of our customers requesting if this type of payment was available.

We want you to be aware of our new payment plan, so that in the future when you submit a purchase order you have another option available to you.

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