The IPE-V is an affordable post etch punch built to the same specifications as punches two to three times their price. This compact machine is perfect for lower volume pcb manufacturers that need the tight tolerances but not the through put of our faster more expensive models. The IPE incorporates a small die set into the machine so the punches remain in register and with minimal wear, a problem exhibited on competitors lower cost units.
Panel sizes from 12" x 14" (304mm x 355mm) to 24" x 30" (610mm x 762mm) are provided in the standard 4 slot machine and an optional film punching position for one artwork size can also be incorporated into the IPE-V. With this film punching feature an entire tooling system can be incorporated into one small machine. The IPE-V can be supplied with 2 or 4 cameras all on the same side of the panel.
To receive more information on the IPE-V through e-mail contact Multiline Technology or fill out our Literature Request Form.