Volume 3 Number 3 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / January 2000

20 Years of Teamwork

The Story of Multiline Technology

Employee Anniversaries

"20 Years of Teamwork"

On July 7 ,1999, Multiline Technology celebrated its 20th Anniversary. During the past twenty years we have been listening to the demands placed upon our customers and providing them with new registration and lamination technologies. As the worldwide leader of registration tooling systems, no company comprehends better than Multiline the importance of understanding the needs of any application and melding them with the perfect registration tooling solution.

Multiline would like to thank our customers for working with us in developing the equipment to fit their needs. Our thanks also go out to the efforts of our sales personnel located all over the world who have developed close associations with our customers making them aware of the “Multiline Technology” name and of our product line. Most of all, our equipment could not have been developed without the the skill and precision craftsmanship of our employees who conceived, developed and built all our tooling systems.

Multiline has an eminent history of technological leadership supported by outstanding prominence in customer service and support. As an equipment manufacturer staffed with 152 employees coupled with a team of over thirty engineers we are ready to conquer any application you may have. All of our 23 worldwide rep- resentatives are ready to offer prompt localized service and support to users, maintaining and enhancing your satisfaction. Multiline now has close to 50,000 square feet of manufacturing space in which we build highly sophisticated registration equipment. We are a solutions partner for all your lamination and registration applications. No other company equals our long history of machining background and expertise in registration tooling solutions. Listed on the following pages are some of the tooling systems that we have designed and manufactured.

The Optiline PE/ATP 5000
The Optiline PE/ATP is an advanced automated system for precise post-etch punching of innerlayers. All three models 1000, 3000, and 5000 offer thin material capability down to 2 mil core at speeds for most innerlayers exceeding 7+ panels per minute.
Stacker Interleaver
The stacker attaches to the OPE/ATP (Advanced Technology Punch) series machines. This unit is designed to match the specifications of the OPE/ATP in its capability to handle 2 mil cores at thruputs of up to 10 panels per minute. Other equipment requiring interleaving can also be interfaced with the stacker. Contact Multiline for your specific needs.
Multiframe Exposure Frame
This new registration tool developed and built by Multiline has already impressed customers with the ultimate in precision and performance from a glass frame. It’s innovative design gives the highest accuracy (+/-0.0004”) (+/- 10um) in front to back registration for photo imaging of innerlayers and outerlayers.
Optiline PL Post Lamination
The multilayer panel is aligned by x-ray and drilled after lamination with a new dedicated tooling pattern for mounting on the drill machine. This accounts for panel movement that occurs during lamination and provides optimal image to drill registration. This unit also features Layer Analysis software for measuring innerlayer shift. The photo depicts the OPL coupled with our pre-alignment station. A rear unloader is also available.
The New XRT-1000 is an X-Ray tooling and inspection system designed for Post Lamination Drilling of Multilayers. Any misregistration of layers after lamination can be optimized by using X-Ray to locate internal copper images and drill new tooling holes for pinning on the drill machine. The XRT-1000 X-Rays every panel and drills new tooling holes based on the panels individual registration characteristics. The XRT-1000 also has a built in inspection system which provides SPC data on each panel processed indicating the spread value between the panel targets and the system reference positions. This data is presented to the operator on the system monitor graphically as a plot of “spread” compared to upper and lower tolerance limits input during the job set up. This data can be stored by part number and retrieved later for analysis.
Automatic Artwork Punch
A quality registration system begins with the ability to accurately punch imaged artwork. With the added capability of printed circuit board manufacturers to plot first generation artwork, tooling the artwork in relationship to the image now has a significant advantage in registration. Because the artwork is punched after imaging and developing plotter pinning tolerance is eliminated and dimensional instability in the film is accounted for, the artwork punch should have the flexibility to be used for innerlayer and outerlayer artwork registration. We offer three models to choose from; automatic, semiautomatic and manual. (Automatic is shown).
Multilayer Lamination Plate Handler
The Lamination Plate Handler is ergonomically designed to eliminate operator fatigue and injury. Using magnetic force the lamination Plate Handler mechanically assists an operator in lifting and positioning these plates, making even the heaviest of plates nearly weightless.
Multilayer Bridge Depinner
Multiline Technology’s bridge depinner easily removes pins from multilayer lamination plates even when the edge to distance is as deep as 15 inches. This versatile unit, built with a special overhead bridge design, will accommodate almost any tooling pin configuration. This unit is operated by pneumatically driven hydraulics which build up pressure until even the most stubborn tooling pins are driven out.
Automatic Phototool Registration Unit
The Automatic Phototool Registration unit is a microprocessor controlled vision system that automatically aligns phototool film to multilayer panels.The APR eliminates the operator to operator inconsistencies in outerlayer and soldermask registration, increases thruput and improves yields. This unit is also instrumental in “Blind Via” applications.
Multilayer Hydraulic Depinner
This depinner makes pin removal from multilayer lamination plates easier and quieter than ever before.

Prepreg Punch
An easy and efficient method of punching stacks of Prepreg material.

The Verifier
Multiline Technology’s Verifier is designed to measure the relationship between the Optiline PE etched targets and punched registration slots or holes in post-etch punched innerlayers.

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