Volume 3 Number 3 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / January 2000

20 Years of Teamwork

The Story of Multiline Technology

Employee Anniversaries

President's Message

Image1.jpg Another year is over and here we are at the start of a New Millennium, Happy New Year to everyone! I am pleased to say that last year was a great year for Multiline. We developed some great new products such as the Large Format OPE ATP Post Etch Punch which can handle panel sizes up to 36” x 52” at speeds of over four panels per minute. The Multiframe was another great success for ’99, it is a complete exposure frame which is designed to give the most precise front to back registration for inner and outerlayers as well as soldermask. Multiline has sold over 70 Multiframes worldwide and the customer feedback has been nothing short of sterling!

The XRT-1000, which is an x-ray tooling and inspection system designed for Post Lamination Drilling of Multilayers, made its debut earlier this year. It is also available with loaders and unloaders.

Productronica ’99 located in Munich, Germany was a tremendous success. As always, it was an excellent show-case for our equipment developments as well as a great opportunity to speak to our customers about future needs. It was our Ninth Productronica show over an eighteen year period (the show is every two years).

We are very excited about this years IPC show which is April 4-6, 2000 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California. We will be located at booth # 724. Please stop by our booth and pick up a complimentary copy of our latest revision (Fourth Edition) of the “Post Processing System Applications Guide Book”. This new Fourth Edition features many of our new technologies and product developments.

Last July, Multiline Technology celebrated its 20th Anniversary. This issue of the newsletter is all about looking back at our history of product development, precision tooling solutions, and how Multiline first got started in the industry. Multiline’s success over the past twenty years of building accurate dependable registration equipment has taught us many lessons that seem to repeat themselves over time. One of those valuable lessons is “Listening to the customers needs”. After all, at Multiline we think about more than the products we make, we think about the people who use them!


Michael Angelo

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