Volume 3 Number 1 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / March 1999

Multiline's Products
at IPC 1999

Tech Talk

Year 2000 Revisited

Free Tefstop Samples

Happy Anniversary

Expressing Your

  President's Message

ne secret to Multiline’s success has been in the ability to change. Since 1981, we have grown from a small tool and die shop to a fully automated machine builder of high technology registration equipment for the PWB industry. With nearly twenty years of sales, service and support, we have always tried to listen to our customers needs and develop equipment to fit these needs.

This year is no different, we will be featuring an array of new products at the IPC show which will be held March 16-18 1999 at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach California. Please stop by and visit us at Booth #1555.

Every day we redefine who we are and what makes us different from our competition. I have to say that Multiline Technology is comprised of a highly talented work force. On an annual basis we have an employee luncheon to celebrate these employees and this year was no different. We normally reserve a section of the newsletter for recognizing these employees, however some milestones deserve a special place in our company as well as our newsletter. We had three people with over 20 years of service and eleven with over 10 years. Amazingly this brings the total of employees with over 10 years at Multiline to 45 employees.


Michael Angelo

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