Volume 2 Number 4 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / December 1998

New Product
(Post Lamination Drilling)

Tech Talk
Annual Toy Drive
Shots From The Shop

Upcoming Show
Happy Anniversary
A Winning Season

Website Tour
Expressing Your Interest


Giving Their Best Year After Year

he following employees celebrated service anniversaries during the past quarter. We would like to extend a sincere thank you and congratulations for their continued support and dedication.

Rod Alzmann- Materials Manager

Mary Miller- MIS/Network Administrator

John Adamo- Senior Software Engineer
Jose Amaya- Senior OPE Assembler
Michael Deban- Senior ATP Assembler
Rysard Kozikowski- MIS/Network Administrator

A Winning Season:

Multiline Technology sponsored Wolf Creek Racing which was campaigned by Regional Sales Manager Todd Walrich who finished up the 1998 SCCA Road Racing season with the champions laurels in the GT-4 class for the New York State Road Racing Championship series.

The NYSRRC series was comprised of 10 races at 4 venues: Pocono International in Pennsylvania, Watkins Glen in New York, Lime Rock in Connecticut and Nelson Ledges in Ohio. Todd’s finishes included four 1st’s, two 2nd’s, two 3rd’s, and one each 4th and 5th place. Amid fierce competition, the 1998 Championship run was not decided until the last event at Nelson Ledges in late October.

Todd and his wife, Suzie, would like to thank Michael and David Angelo for supporting their winning season and all the guys in the shop who helped us out after hours and on Saturdays fabricating special parts that made all the difference. Thanks to everyone and see you next season!

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