Volume 2 Number 4 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / December 1998

New Product
(Post Lamination Drilling)

Tech Talk
Annual Toy Drive
Shots From The Shop

Upcoming Show
Happy Anniversary
A Winning Season

Website Tour
Expressing Your Interest


his year Multiline Technology is proud to sponsor our Fourth Annual Christmas Toy Drive. Last year, thanks to the generosity of our employees, we needed a panel truck and a van to transport over 500 toys to the Gerald J. Outreach Center in Wyndanch N.Y., a local charity which distributes the toys to hundreds of children in the community.

As usual, the company agreed to match the Employees contributions which enabled us to reach our goal again.

Thank you to all involved in making this a joyous Christmas for so many children. Best wishes and Happy Holiday's and to all of our employees and valued customers.

David Angelo
Vice President

Shots from the Shop

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