Volume 2 Number 3 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / September 1998

New Product

Tech Talk
Equipment Training
Lamination Help
Shots From The Shop
Happy Anniversary

Expressing Your Interest


Lamination Help
has arrived!

ultiline provides a wide range of Lamination Fixture and Soft Tooling Accessories. Recognizing that inferior lamination fixtures can be as devastating to a multilayer manufacturer as bad artwork, Multiline Technology applied its metal technology to the designing and manufacturing of a better lamination fixture. Our accessories aid in the complete delivery of better lamination products. Some of the accessories we offer are: Lamination and Separator Plates, Lamination Pins, Lamination Pin Inspection Gage( for inspecting the wear and flatness of Lamination Pins), Lamination Bushing Inspection Gage (For inspecting wear on lamination bushings), Lamination Inspection Gage (to check the amount of engagement of the lamination pin into the lamination fixture). For a free catalog feel free to contact us at 631-249-8300 or write to Steve Scheinpflug, Director of Marketing at Multiline.

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