Volume 2 Number 3 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / September 1998 |
New Product (Multiframe) Tech Talk Equipment Training Lamination Help Shots From The Shop Happy Anniversary Expressing Your Interest
any of our customers have found our training classes prudent and informative when utilizing our equipment. We offer many training classes on various pieces of our equipment. Our classes include equipment such as the Optiline Post Etch ATP 1000, 3000 & 5000 and the Optiline Post Lamination Drill. It is the goal of Multiline to provide our end users with the optimum information and reference tools that will enable the attendees to perform maintenance and repairs.
The courses will explore in detail the sequence of operations and focus on various components and their functions. We supply training manuals to attendees that will be used during the class and theirs to keep as reference.
The Optiline PE-ATP machines were designed in three model series based on their functions. The model Series are 1000, 3000 and 5000. We have developed the training classes with these engineering differences in mind. The functions of the ATP 3000 and ATP 5000 series will require classes to be held at our manufacturing headquarters, which is located on Long Island in New York. The ATP 1000 series class has an outline which is two days in length and can be held at the customer facility.
The Optiline Post Lamination class will provide information that will enable the end user to provide maintenance and service repairs on the OPL. The course will cover in detail, the theory of operation, various components and their functions, with emphasis on repairs, replacement parts and preventative maintenance. We provide classroom instruction with an agenda based on the course outline, hands-on experience on a machine, and provide a reference training manual. The training manual consists of component drawings, pictures of machine parts, procedures and guidelines, along with maintenance logs to be used as reference.
To schedule any of these classes please contact our
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