Volume 1 Number 3 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / September 1997

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Free Tefstop Samples

ultiline Technology will be pleased to send you samples of our "TefstopsTM". Our TefstopsTM are to be utilized in the Pin Lamination Area. If you're facing resin bleed and resultant burrs around tooling holes after lamination, then TefstopsTM can be a cheaper alternative solution. Resin burrs keep panels from lying flat when stacked on the drill table, causing more burrs during the drilling. Resin burrs from lamination also keep the panel from lying flat in exposure and sometimes crack phototooling glass books. TefstopsTM eliminate the need for expensive secondary tooling operations. TefstopTM washers fit tightly on lamination pins preventing epoxy flow during lamination. We offer three different sizes to fit your lamination needs.

Slot Type:
Round Type:
Round Type:
1) (0.1875" x 0.250" ID x 0.500" O.D)
2) (0.250" ID x 0.500" O.D)
3) (0.1875" ID x 0.500" O.D)

As a recognized leader in the printed circuit board industry, Multiline Technology is dedicated to providing our customers with outstanding products and superior services. We look forward to fulfilling your manufacturing needs by creating a lasting partnership between Multiline Technology and your company.

We carry a large stock on hand and we're ready to satisfy your purchasing requirements. If you need samples please feel free to contact Jim Orlando or Mary Endres from our Sales Department through E-mail or call us direct.

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