Volume 1 Number 3 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / September 1997

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Happy Anniversary
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Giving Their Best Year After Year
The following employees celebrated service anniversaries during the past quarter. We would like to extend a sincere thank you and congratulations for their continued service and dedication:

Diane Botkin- Accounts Payable Coordinator

Brian Dirkschneider- Technical Services Supervisor
Deborah Ross- Inventory Supervisor
Raffaele Squitieri- Assembly Electronic Tech


(From left to right) Mike Kogel with Royal Insurance, Michael Angelo President of Multiline, Mike Gerbels from Paine Webber, Ron Cooper from Ernst & Young.

n September 21, 1997 Michael Angelo, President of Multiline Technology was presented with an award by Ernst & Young for being a finalist in the 1997 Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. Michael was chosen as one of the finalists in the High Technology Catagory. A gala dinner was held for all the semi-finalists from many different categories at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, N.Y. We, the employees of Multiline, are very proud to extend our heartiest congratulations to Michael.

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