Volume 1 Number 3 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / September 1997

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am proud to say that Multiline has reinstated its tool and die apprenticeship program and will be starting two new apprentices. This is a formal program which will provide each apprentice with 8,000 hours of training in the areas of machining, inspection, grinding, CNC and machine assembly. The apprentice will be required to take related courses, the cost of which will be supplemented by the company, in Drafting, Tool Design, Manufacturing Analysis, Quality Control, Computer Aided Design and others before completing the program.

Multiline Technology (formerly Lenkeit Tool and Die) always ran extensive training programs in an effort to maintain the skill level we had become known for. Some of the key people we have today started in our apprentice program. Although the look of our products has certainly changed over the years from pierce and blank dies to sophisticated machinery with computers, vision systems and even x-ray. The basis of all of our machines is still precision tooling requiring skilled toolmakers.


Michael Angelo

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