Volume 1 Number 2 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 1997

Making Your Production Worry Free

Equipment News
New PPS Book
New Product
(Ultra Rivet)

Happy Anniversary
Expressing Your Interest
Service News
Free Samples


Equipment News

ultiline will be celebrating an Anniversary which is very special to us. On August 15, 1997 we will have completed our 300th Optiline PE Post Etch Punch which will be shipping to Compeq in China. The Post Etch Punch was first manufactured in 1985 for a company called "Microfab".

Our Post Etch Punch has come a long way since 1985. For instance, the production rate has jumped from 3 to 8 panels/min. on an OPE-ATP. The SPC software package which is available today, provides real time statistical process analysis of production lots. The OPE is now accepted, as the standard in the industry.

A hearty thanks to all our customers for your continued support !

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