Volume 1 Number 2 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 1997

Making Your Production Worry Free

Equipment News
New PPS Book
New Product
(Ultra Rivet)

Happy Anniversary
Expressing Your Interest
Service News
Free Samples


Maintenance and Warranty
Make Your Production Worry Free!!

roduction Downtime is every company's nightmare, but it is a reality. Nothing runs forever without normal care and maintenance. The larger your company, the more complex and complicated your support and service needs become. At Multiline Technology we understand your needs and our maintenance support was designed with you in mind.

Our on-site service and maintenance plan covers monthly Preventative Maintenance with 24 Hour Technical Support, 7 Days a Week. With worldwide facilities and highly trained Technical Service Representatives, we can get you serviced and up and running at full production in no time.

The benefits of our Maintenance and Service Plans:

  • Overnight Shipment of Parts
  • Software Upgrades
  • Hands on Instruction and Calibration Services
  • Special Prices on Hardware Upgrades
  • Confidence in knowing your equipment is protected 24 Hours a day
  • Professional Technical Service Representatives
  • Worldwide Service

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