Volume 2 Number 2 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 1998

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Lamination Help
has arrived!

worn or defective lamination pin or bushing may be very difficult to detect, especially by the naked eye. A lamination pin after some usage may become worn, mushroomed or bent. Lamination bushings are susceptible to tooling hole enlargement. While some of these defects may be determined by the use of conventional inspection equipment, it can be very time-consuming and often confusing. Using the carefully designed Multiline gages, all the problems associated with the inspection of pins and bushings can now be eliminated. For more information on this product please feel free to contact: Jim Orlando or Mary Endres or by phone at 516-249-8300.

Multiline has a “Rental/Purchase” program available in which you can rent the “Lamination Pin and Bushing Inspection Kit” P/N 30-D246 for $150.00 for two weeks. If after the two weeks you wish to purchase the kit, we will apply the rental fee to the purchase price.

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