Volume 2 Number 2 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / June 1998

SPC Data
What's It All About?

Tech Talk
IPC '98
Lamination Help
Happy Aniversary
Expressing Your Interest


Multiline’s New “Stacker Interleaver”

Which can process up to 10 Panels/Minute.

he IPC show was a tremendous success this year. It has allowed us to meet new customers and educate others with some of our latest technological advancements. Here is a listing of some of the equipment that was featured in Long Beach: Automatic Phototool Registration Unit, Adara Continuous Foil Lamination Press, Semi-Automatic Artwork Punch, Optiline Post Lamination Punch, Multiframe Exposure Frame, Optiline Post Etch ATP 5000, and the all New Stacker Interleaver.

Left: Front view of our Booth. Right: Don Flick speaking to a show attendee about the Optiline Post Lam X-Ray Drill.

For those of you who have never had the privilege of viewing the IPC show before it has been assembled.

This years show was remarked by many as the best ever. Many of you made similar comments on the high level of registration tooling equipment we had available. We hope that you enjoyed the show as much as we did in presenting it to you. If you wish to receive any literature on the above equipment please feel free to contact us.

Continuing their winning ways:
The Wolf Creek Racing entry of Regional Sales Manager Todd Walrich starts off the 1998 SCCA Road Racing season by claiming first place in the rain at the Pocono International Raceway. The Multiline Technology sponsored Datsun 510 overcame a poor start in the middle of the pack as well as having to make an emergency pit stop to remove the hood after two hood pins broke to take the GT4 class win over all other GT class cars. The race was on May 9th. On May 10th, they claimed 1st place over all but one other GT class car, once again in the rain at the Double Regional Race Weekend. This excellent start combined with a second in class at Lime Rock Park on May 30th gives Todd and Multiline Technology First Place in the standings for the New York State Road Racing Championship.

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