Volume 2 Number 1 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / March 1998 |
Multiline at IPC Show April 28-30 Tech Talk Punch and Die Block Sharpening Happy Anniversary Expressing Your Interest
Technical Memorandum
The impact of year 2000 on Multiline Machines s of this writing, Multiline's machines with Series 3000, 3500, and 4000 control systems, only track the year with 2 digits. For example, February 5, 1998 would be displayed as 02/05/98. In the year 2000, this same date would be displayed as 02/05/00. This has the following repercussions:
In our software, SPC data is saved along with the date it was read. Printouts are dated and the list of available setups shows the last date each setup was run. Each of these areas displays the date with 2 digits. Thus, the year 2000 would be displayed as 00. This poses no problem to the Multiline software. The machines will operate as always, with no unexpected reactions.
However, some customers copy the SPC data from their Multiline machine, and import it into a spreadsheet or relational database program. If they sort the data based on the date it occurred on, information from years 2000 and on would not be sorted property with data from years 1999 and earlier.
In the future, Multiline's software will be upgraded to track the year with 4 digits. This will eliminate any questions regarding year 2000 issues. Any customers who wish to upgrade their machines with this feature should contact their sales representative. Home | About Us | Staff | Directions | Products | News | Trade Shows | Literature | Employment | Contact Us
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