Volume 1 Number 1 / Editor: Steve Scheinpflug / January/February 1997

Advantages of Plastic Riveting

Common Questions Asked By Our Customers

Employee Anniversaries

The Toy Drive Was A Huge Success!

Common Questions
Asked By Our Customers

For our first newsletter, we thought it would be informative to include answers to some of the questions most commonly asked. Please feel free to complete the last page of this newsletter and submit it to us regarding any interest of question(s) you may have. We look forward to your inquiries so that all of our readers can learn some valuable information.

1) Q. What is the advantage of the four slot over round holes for lamination tooling?
A. The four slots allow any error due to dimensional stability to be split from the center of the panel, the slots also make it easier to lay up on the lamination pins without wrinkling or tearing the inner layer.

2) Q. What are the benefits of soft tooling plugs in drilling?
A. The soft tooling plugs eliminate any build up of error from the tooling plate to the drill spindle. It actually zeros the spindle to the tooling.

3) Q. Why use a Post Etch Punch?
A. Post etch punching of inner layers has many advantages as compared to pre-etch registration methods. The tooling pattern is punched in the inner layer after etching. All material movement resulting from artwork instability, etching, black oxidizing, etc. is compensated for. Tooling holes and/or slots that are punched before etching are subject to movement during the etching process. This results in buckling or stretching of the inner layers when pinning on the lamination plates which can cause misregistration. Post etch punching eliminates this problem insuring an accurate match between the inner layer tooling holes and lamination plates. Since the layer to layer registration is achieved after etching, inner layer artworks only need to be aligned front to back during exposure. This can be accomplished with simple book printing methods. Book printing eliminates the need for pinning of the artwork to the laminate. Artworks are registered front to back and the panel is simply placed between the artworks during exposure.

4) Q Why do I need to X-Ray drill my drill tooling holes if I laminate on the four slots?
A. The advantage of Post-Processing laminated panels are obvious. Panels lost during final drilling are extremely costly. Post-Processing panels after lamination eliminates the requirement for drilling test coupons or secondary X-Ray measurements to calculate drill offsets. These calculations are usually based on a small sampoling of panels, with the assumption that all panels are the same. This is not the case however in production panels.
Variation from panel to panel can occur during lamination. Post- Processing these panels in preparation for drilling requires X-Raying and drilling new tooling holes in every panel based on the panels individual registration characteristic. The result of this Post-Lamination is faster setups, no program offsets, and increased thruputs on the drilling machines. The downtime on the drill due to waiting for offset information is completely eliminated.

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