Provides a fast and accurate method of tooling laminated boards for final drilling

he Optiline PL X-rays and drills new tooling holes for pinning to the drill machine thereby eliminating the need for conventional X-ray methods previously used to calculate drill offsets. It is designed and built to handle all types of production needs from small lot sizes to high volume mass lamination.

The results-
Greatly improved quality since every panel has been compensated and tooled to produce the best possible results. Achieve yields previously unrealized in X-ray tooling for the multilayer industry because in effect every panel is custom drilled.

How does it work?
The Optiline PL utilizes an algorithm which is based on a two-position centerline optimization. The two X-ray cameras examine the target pad or stackup of target pads and the vision system computer calculates the center of the left and right positions. If any error is found in the distance between the center of the pad stack and the machine reference zero,the system automatically splits the error before drilling in the tool holes. Centerline optimization enhances the throughput of the machine since only a two-position "split the difference" calculation must be made. A four camera algorithm is also available as an option

The Optiline PL provides Statistical Process Control Data which indicates the spread value (growth or shrinkage) from the actual target pads in the panel to the zero reference in the machine. This data is presented to the operator on the separate SPC monitor which plots the spread data on a graph, and shows its relationship to the tolerance limits set for that job. Control variables can also be established from the current or previous runs of the same part number. All the data can be recorded and stored by part number, customer name, type of material, thickness, construction, or other variables important in tracking and improving the quality of the product.

Optimum production capability is achieved by reducing operator requirements to perform machine set-up and rough panel alignment. Each panel is placed on a prealignment table and positioned to two indicator lights. The panel is then automatically shuttled into the machine and placed under the X-ray cameras. While the panel inside is registered and drilled, the empty shuttle is returned allowing the operator to simultaneously prealign the next board, while the board inside is simultaneously being registered and drilled. The panel inside the machine is then unloaded through a door to the rear of the machine, onto a panel stacker or conveyor.

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